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Rampant Debauchery and Pug BS

PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 9:55 am
by Carras
So after seeing a string of crying babies yesterday wet their pants over a couple pugs I have a few suggestions for getting them a new set of pull ups - cuz we're all big boys now, right?

Problem 1. Getting a team of no mics or awful comms
Solution 1. Captain up and pick a team of people with mics/good comms
Even if the skill sets aren't matched up super-even, i'll pick comms and ctf-smarts over some dumb fragger anyday.
Solution 2. Don't join pugs where you're the only $900+ player and expect everyone to play like allstars.

Problem 2. People picking shit maps
Solution: captain up and pick good maps.
This guarantees at least 1 "quality" map and the other map you'll just have to make lemonade out of a lemon. We all do it, it's time you get back on the horse and make it happen.

By joining a pug, you're obligated to play 2 maps.
Things happens that are unavoidable, like internet going out, but it's all too obvious some idiots are faking some bs just to avoid maps. Sure it's win-win if someone doesn't want to play a map and a fair sub jumps in who does, but when does that happen? answer: very rarely.

Re: Rampant Debauchery and Pug BS

PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 4:25 pm
by kud
Protip: earn the respect of your team mates and motivate them to be the best ut99 players they can be by issuing personal insults every time your opponents gain an advantage. Eventually the mental anguish and fear of your insults will transform the peons into ruthless killing machines who never make mistakes, much like yourself. At no point should you give up and sub out, this will make you a pussy and put you on the receiving end of this tip.

Re: Rampant Debauchery and Pug BS

PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 5:27 pm
by torch
yea, yesterday was pretty pathetic. was trying to do homework all day and every time i open up irc people calling for bans all over and whining. makes my head hurt.