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About the Suggestions forum

PostPosted: Sun Dec 15, 2013 6:18 pm

That's great! Then this forum is for you!
(If you have a complaint, problem or need a shoulder to cry on -> contact an admin instead. Leave this forum alone. ).

General - Any suggestion aiming to improve Global Unreal (not pug, tournament or league based. E.g. Website, Forum, etc.)

#iPug - Any suggestion aiming to improve pugs, suggestions for the pugbot or new gametypes.

League / Tournaments - Any suggestion aiming to improve leagues / tournaments (anything from draft to finals).

We shall discuss if the idea is good, useable, is realistic, fits Global Unreal guidelines, there is general consensus on it and it is implementable within reasonable amount of time (and the admins are willing to implement it).
Naturally not all ideas can/will be implemented, don't be upset if your great idea is not used for whatever reason.
Also it goes without saying that the admins have the final say on if the idea is used (community vote is important, but not leading).

Any wawa, non constructive feedback, insulting, trolly or downright stupid posts will not be considered and be moved to an appropriate dead zone.